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Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

The University of Chicago’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1892

Chicago Maroon

Faculty and Students Petition University to Protect Students Affected By EO

Editor's Note: A delegation of signatories hand delivered this petition to the administration office Febuary 6. Signatures are still being collected online, and the list of signatories on this article will change to reflect that.

Dear President Robert J. Zimmer and Provost Daniel Diermeier,

We, the undersigned members of the University of Chicago academic community, call on you to take a clear and unambiguous stance against President Donald Trump’s executive order (EO) entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry to the United States” signed on Friday, January 28, 2017. This EO denies immigration to individuals from the seven Muslim-majority countries of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. This EO targets any person who is a citizen of one of these countries, including holders of valid visas. The EO also indefinitely bans Syrian refugee entry. We agree with the more than 14,000 American academics, including 50 Nobel laureates, who have signed the petition Academics Against Immigration Executive Order, that President Trump’s EO will have a devastating effect on U.S. higher education and research.

Freedom of inquiry and freedom of expression, two of the foundational principles of the University of Chicago, are impossible when scholars and their families are unable to travel, collaborate, and pursue critical research opportunities. Scholarship is critically impeded when the families of faculty, staff, and students are torn apart, and when scholars are forced to abandon research projects and students are compelled to stop pursuing their degrees. Already, international students from other U.S. universities have been detained at the border and are scheduled for deportation. On Saturday, January 29, 2017 a prominent Iranian-born Canadian scholar was forced to cancel his invited talk to the Political Theory Workshop as a direct result of this EO. On Tuesday, January 31, 2017, The Chicago Maroon reported that due to the EO an Iranian graduate student in sociology at the University of Chicago fears she may not be able to return to teach her Core class in spring 2017. These are only initial examples of the intellectual losses we can expect to see under the EO. Beyond the University’s immediate academic interests, these policies are destructive and contrary to the very core of our values as an institution committed to excellence and innovation, a diversity of community and ideas, respect for the dignity of others, and engagement in the economic, civic, cultural, and social development of our state, our nation, and our world.

We ask you to take concrete steps toward providing legal protection to international faculty, students and staff affected by this EO. Recently, you were among more than 600 college and university presidents who signed a letter expressing a commitment to upholding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and to protecting the diverse scholarly community that makes groundbreaking research possible. We ask you to reaffirm your commitment to the University as a diverse and pluralistic community by making a commitment to protect and support in the following ways:

  1.  We ask that the University of Chicago build on your statement from January 29, “Message Regarding Immigration,” and your January 30 letter to President Trump, by publicly denouncing the EO as discriminatory, unconstitutional, and contrary to the University’s values. The University administration should continue to publicly condemn such restrictions and advocate for the human rights of members of the academic community.
  2.  We ask that the University continue to offer free and confidential legal assistance (in addition to the NIJC “Know Your Rights” workshop) to students, faculty, and staff from the 7 countries listed in the EO, DACA students, and any others who may be directly targeted by the President’s evolving immigration policy. In addition, ongoing legal assistance should include students, faculty and staff who are currently on campus as well as those who are abroad and will not be able to reenter the United States. It should also be extended to immediate family members of students, faculty and staff who are affected by the ban.
  3.  We ask that the University administration, the Office of International Affairs and attorneys and/or legal observers meet with affected faculty, students and staff to develop a plan for them to continue with their employment and degrees. The EO may limit the ability of individuals to comply with University procedures and deadlines as they contend with visa status and entry obstacles. Their affiliation status with the University should be extended so that they can legally remain in the country and access housing in the United States, especially over the summer. We urge administrators to interpret all relevant requirements flexibly to help those affected continue their studies and/or employment.
  4. In addition to the “Know Your Rights” workshops hosted by the University, we ask that more financial resources and fundraising initiatives be directed to the Center for Identity and Inclusion, Office of International Affairs, and Office of Multicultural Student Affairs to support international faculty and students with the logistical consequences of the ban and to provide financial support to cover the cost of filing fees or inability to work for those affected by the ban. We ask that these resources be made available to faculty, students, and/or staff who are affected by the ban, along with their families. Moreover, since the EO may interfere with the employment eligibility of members of our community, we ask that the University administration set aside funds for financial assistance where this change results in a loss of promised employment, such as GAI teaching requirements for graduate students.
  5.  We ask that you quickly move to fill the vacant director position in Student Support Services within the Center for Identity and Inclusion, tasked with supporting undocumented students and those with DACA, among other vulnerable populations, and ensure that the position has a budget.
  6.  We ask that the University of Chicago commit to restricting governmental access to student records and identifying information (national origin, immigration status, and physical address) above and beyond the level required by FERPA, while retaining students’ ability to elect to send academic documents such as transcripts and confirmation of employment as necessary. We ask that the University of Chicago follow our peer institutions Northwestern University and the University of Michigan by making this commitment public in a campus-wide e-mail.
  7.  We ask that the University administration and the University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD), like our peer institution Northwestern University (in a January 30 e-mail from President Morton Shapiro), reiterate by email to the academic community the UCPD’s stated policy of not inquiring about or recording information about immigration status when performing their duties, and not partnering with federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies to enforce federal immigration law except when required to do so by law.
  8. We ask that the University of Chicago speak out publicly in support of preserving the current Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. The program has been expanded to give hundreds of thousands of graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields an additional 24 months of work authorization. This is especially important for University of Chicago STEM students affected by the ban. The Trump administration is taking steps to dismantle the current OPT program.
  9.  We ask that the University of Chicago admissions offices issue a clear statement that national origin and documentation status will not be a factor at any level of admissions, consistent with the University’s non-discrimination policy and admission standards. The University’s concerns for the student welfare under the EO should include a commitment to future applicants, not just current students. Future applicants from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen should be reassured that their applications will be fully and fairly reviewed, and that they need not hesitate to apply. Once students are admitted, the University should be committed to fostering an environment in which each student can flourish, including ensuring students’ ability to remain enrolled and complete their degrees. Furthermore, the University of Chicago must also maintain hiring standards, considering qualified scholars and researchers from the affected countries as candidates in competitive application processes for faculty hiring and selection of postdoctoral scholars.
  10. We ask for a weekly report from the University administration to the entire academic community as the situation develops as a demonstration of the University’s commitment to our campus community. This support will be crucial to a campus-wide resistance to the EO and any other forthcoming immigration restrictions.

Our academic community expresses who we are as a University and reflects our foundational commitment to inclusion and diversity. Every one of us—regardless of our background or country of origin or immigration status—should feel welcome in our community. We applaud you for articulating to President Trump and the University community the University of Chicago’s commitment to do its utmost to support its students, faculty, and staff, regardless of immigration status. We urge you to continue articulating this commitment and to act concretely to protect and advocate for international students affected by the immigration ban.




Graduate Students United Organizing Committee

University of Chicago Advocacy Chapter of the American Association of University Professors

University of Chicago Chapter of Amnesty International

Individual Signatories:

  1. John Padgett, Professor, Political Science
  2. Martha Feldman, Mabel Greene Myers Professor, Music, Romance Languages and Literatures, and the Humanities in the College
  3. Charles M. Payne, Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor, School of Social Service Administration
  4. Boris Maslov, Associate Professor, Comparative Literature
  5. Constantine V. Nakassis, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
  6. Bruce Lincoln, Caroline E. Haskell Distinguished Service Professor, History of Religions
  7. John P. McCormick, Political Science
  8. Michael C. Dawson, John D. MacArthur Professor of Political Science
  9. James Lindley Wilson, Assistant Professor of Political Science
  10. Alireza Doostdar, Assistant Professor, Divinity School and the College
  11. Anton Ford, Associate Professor, Philosophy
  12. Jennifer Cole, Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development
  13. Dan Arnold, Associate Professor, Divinity School
  14. Matthew M. Briones, Associate Professor, History
  15. Travis A. Jackson, Associate Professor, Music
  16. Michael Dietler, Professor, Anthropology
  17. Daniel Morgan, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
  18. Allyson Nadia Field, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
  19. Lisa Wedeen, Mary R. Morton Professor of Political Science
  20. Julie Saville, Associate Professor of History
  21. Michael LaBarbera, Emeritus Professor, Organismal Biology
  22. Denis Hirschfeldt, Professor, Mathematics
  23. Fred M. Donner, Professor of Near Eastern History, The Oriental Institute and Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
  24. Zach Samalin, Assistant Professor, English
  25. Matthias Staisch, Instructor, Committee on International Relations
  26. Sonali Thakkar, Assistant Professor, English
  27. Seth Brodsky, Assistant Professor, Music
  28. Richard Neer, William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor in Art History, Cinema & Media Studies and the College
  29. A. Holly Shissler, Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  30. Salikoko S. Mufwene, The Frank J. McLoraine Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics
  31. Demetra Kasimis, Assistant Professor, Political Science
  32. Howard Stein, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Philosophy and Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
  33. Julie Orlemanski, Assistant Professor, English
  34. Matthew W. Stolper, John A.Wilson Professor Emeritus of Oriental Studies, The Oriental Institute, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Classics (Program on the Ancient Mediterranean World), and the College
  35. Andrew Yale, Lecturer, Humanities
  36. Marshall Sahlins, Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and of Social Sciences in the College
  37. Paola Iovene, Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  38. Lawrence Rothfield, Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature
  39. James F. Lastra, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies and English
  40. Mario Santana, Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures
  41. Angie Heo, Assistant Professor, Divinity School
  42. William Schweiker, Edward L. Ryerson Professor of Theological Ethics,  Divinity School and College
  43. François Richard, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  44. Kristen Schilt, Associate Professor, Sociology
  45. W. Clark Gilpin, Margaret E. Burton Professor, Emeritus, The Divinity School
  46. Trevor Price, Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolution
  47. Karlos Arregi, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics
  48. Patrick Jagoda, Associate Professor, English and Cinema & Media Studies
  49. Judy Hoffman, Professor of Practice in the Arts, Cinema and Media Studies
  50. Rachel Galvin, Assistant Professor, English
  51. Colleen Grogan, Professor, School of Social Service Administration
  52. Susan Lambert, Associate Professor, School of Social Service Administration
  53. Robert L. Kendrick, Professor, Music
  54. Norma Field, Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished Service Professor Emerita, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  55. Leora Auslander, Arthur and Joann Rasmussen Professor of Western Civilization in the College and History Department
  56. Lauren Berlant, George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor of English
  57. Amy Dru Stanley, History Department and Law School
  58. Andreas Glaeser, Professor of Sociology
  59. Linda M. G. Zerilli, Charles E. Merriam Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science, Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality
  60. Janet H. Johnson, Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor of Egyptology, Oriental Institute, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and Department of Classics (PAMW)
  61. Samuel Refetoff, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Pediatrics. Director, Endocrinology Laboratory
  62. Wendy Doniger, Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions
  63. William W. Tait, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy
  64. Jennifer Pitts, Associate Professor, Political Science
  65. Loren Kruger, Professor, Comparative Literature, English, African Studies
  66. Deborah Nelson, Associate Professor, English
  67. Kyeong-Hee Choi, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  68. Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Professor emerita, Department of Anthropology
  69. Adrienne Brown, Assistant Professor, English
  70. Joseph Masco, Professor, Department of Anthropology
  71. Rochona Majumdar, Associate Professor, SALC/CMS
  72. Whitney Cox, Associate Professor, SALC
  73. Leah Feldman, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature
  74. Rebecca West, William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Service Professor Emerita, depts. of Romance Langs. and Lits. and Cinema and Media Studies
  75. Agnes Lugo-Ortiz, Associate Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
  76. Hussein Ali Agrama, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  77. Hakan Karateke, Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  78. Na’ama Rokem, Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and Comparative Literature
  79. Michael Geyer, Samuel N. Harper Professor of History Emeritus
  80. Cornell H. Fleischer, Kanuni Suleyman Professor of Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies, Departments of History and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  81. Gabriel Moreno, Post-Graduate Fellow, Department of Visual Arts
  82. Amber Ginsburg, Lecturer, Department of Visual Arts
  83. Angela S. Garcia, Assistant Professor, School of Social Service Administration
  84. Anna S. Mueller, Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development
  85. Lauren Beck, Lecturer, Department of Visual Arts
  86. Jessica H Darrow, Lecturer, School of Social Service Administration
  87. Itamar Francez, Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics
  88. Shannon Lee Dawdy, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  89. Callum F. Ross, Professor of Organismal Biology & Anatomy
  90. Alida Bouris, Associate Professor, School of Social Service Administration
  91. Jan Goldstein, Norman and Edna Freehling Professor of History
  92. Dan Brudney, Professor, Department of Philosophy and the College
  93. John E. Woods, Professor, History and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  94. Matam P. Murthy, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics
  95. Mark Philip Bradley, Bernadotte E. Schmitt Distinguished Service Professor of History
  96. Elizabeth Helsinger, John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor, English, Emerita
  97. Tom Gunning, Distinguished Service Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
  98. Clifton Ragsdale, Professor of Neurobiology
  99. Scott Wolniak, Lecturer, Department of Visual Arts
  100. Elena Bashir, Senior Lecturer, South Asian Languages and Civilizations
  101. Petra Goedegebuure, Associate Professor of Hittitology, Oriental Institute, the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and the College.
  102. Darryl Li, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
  103. Philip A. Verhoef, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
  104. W. J. T. Mitchell, Professor of English and Art History
  105. Moishe Postone, Professor of Modern History and the College
  106. Brit Barton, Post-Graduate Fellow, Department of Visual Arts
  107. Willemien Otten, Professor of the Theology and History of Christianity, The Divinity School and the College
  108. Michael Bourdaghs, Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  109. Katherine Desjardins, Full-time Lecturer, Department of Visual Arts
  110. Aden Kumler, Associate Professor, Departments of Art History, Romance Languages & Literatures
  111. Douglas Bishop, Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
  112. Bruce Cumings, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in History and the College
  113. William Sewell, Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Departments of Political Science and History
  114. Bill Tait, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy
  115. Terence Martin, Professor Emeritus, Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
  116. Françoise Meltzer, Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities, Professor in the Divinity School and the College, and Chair of Comparative Literature
  117. Stephan Palmié, Professor of Anthropology and of Social Sciences in the College
  118. Nancy Munn, Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology
  119. Daniel Le Grange, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
  120. Lucia B. Rothman-Denes, A. J. Carlson Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
  121. Michael Sells, John Henry Barrows Professor of Islamic History and Literature, Divinity School
  122. James Fernandez, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
  123. Larissa Brewer-García, Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
  124. William Sites, Associate Professor, School of Social Service Administration
  125. Mel Rothenberg, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
  126. Ronald Grigor Suny, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and History, and William H. Sewell, Jr. Distinguished University Professor of History and Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan
  127. Catherine Sullivan, Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts
  128. Salomé Aguilera Skvirsky, Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
  129. Eric L. Santner, Philip and Ida Romberg Distinguished Service Professor in Modern Germanic Studies, Professor of Germanic Studies, Committee on Jewish Studies, and the College; Chair of the Department of Germanic Studies
  130. Thomas C. Holt, James Westfall Thompson Distinguished Service Professor, History
  131. Joshua Scodel, Helen A. Regenstein Professor in English, Comparative Literature, and the College
  132. Megan Tusler, Postdoctoral Preceptor, Masters Program in the Humanities
  133. Edgar Garcia, Neubauer Assistant Professor, Department of English
  134. Tristan J. Schweiger, Postdoctoral Preceptor, Master Program in the Humanities
  135. Persis Berlekamp, Associate Professor, Art History and the College and Affiliated Faculty, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  136. Victor A. Friedman, Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in the Humanities, Department of Linguistics
  137. C. M. Naim, Professor Emeritus, South Asian Languages and Cultures
  138. Peter Wirzbicki, Harper-Schmidt Fellow
  139. Alexis Chema, Lecturer, Department of English
  140. Joshua Craze, Harper Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor
  141. Carolyn Johnson, Lecturer, The College (and Ph.D., 1998)
  142. Ariel Fox, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  143. David Egan, Harper-Schmidt Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor, Humanities Division
  144. Jennifer Wild, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies and Romance Languages and Literatures
  145. Takuya Tsunoda, Lecturer, Cinema and Media Studies
  146. Jake Werner, Collegiate Assistant Professor, Social Sciences Collegiate Division
  147. William H. Sterner, Lecturer, Computer Science
  148. Katherine Jessica Krywokulski, Program Coordinator, Chicago Center for Teaching
  149. Lex Nalley, Department Administrator, English
  150. Agatha Anna Slupek, Ph.D. Student, Political Science
  151. Trish Kahle, Ph.D. Candidate, History
  152. Maryam Sabbaghi, Ph.D. Student,  Divinity School
  153. Luke Fidler, Ph.D. Student, Art History
  154. Ellen Richmond, MD Candidate, Pritzker School of Medicine
  155. Corbin Page, Ph.D. Student, History
  156. Amanda Shubert, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  157. Nicole Morse, Ph.D. Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies
  158. Upasana Dutta, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  159. Benjamin Blanchard, Ph.D. Candidate, Committee on Evolutionary Biology
  160. Kamil Ahsan, Ph.D. Student, Developmental Biology
  161. Ben Van Zee, Ph.D. Student, History Department
  162. Tien-Tien Jong, Ph.D. Student, Cinema and Media Studies
  163. Cody Jones, Dual Ph.D. student, Divinity School and the Department of Comparative Literature
  164. Woo Chan Lee, Ph.D. Candidate, Music
  165. Daniela Licandro, Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  166. Samuel Rowe, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  167. Mollie McFee, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Comparative Literature
  168. Sam Catlin, Ph.D. Student, Comparative Literature
  169. Caroline Heller, Ph.D. student, English
  170. Emilio Comay del Junco, Ph.D. Student, Philosophy and Social Thought
  171. Patrick Lewis, Ph.D. Student, Anthropology
  172. Guy Emerson Mount, Mellon Foundation Fellow, Department of History
  173. Carly B. Boxer, Ph.D. Student, Art History
  174. Tanima, Ph.D. Student, Anthropology
  175. Danya Lagos, Ph.D. Student, Sociology
  176. Siavash Sabetrohani, Ph.D. Student, Music
  177. Joshua Falk, Ph.D. Student, Linguistics
  178. Charlotte Heltai, MA student, Divinity
  179. Julian Grove, Ph.D. Student, Linguistics
  180. Michael Tabatowski, Ph.D. Student, Linguistics
  181. Zachary Hebert, Ph.D. student, Linguistics
  182. Betsy Pillion, Ph.D. Student, Linguistics
  183. Emily Hanink, Ph.D. Student, Linguistics
  184. Tae Yeon Kim, MD Candidate, School of Medicine
  185. Samuel Hodgkin, Ph.D. Student, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  186. Michael Dango, Ph.D. Candidate, English Language and Literature
  187. Walter Burkat, MA Candidate, MAPSS (Anthropology)
  188. Claudio Sansone, Ph.D. student, Comparative Literature and Classics
  189. Abhishek Bhattacharyya, Ph.D. student, South Asian Languages and Civilizations and Anthropology
  190. Eric Powell, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  191. Audrey Williams, Ph.D. Candidate, Cell & Molecular Biology
  192. Dan Wang, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Music
  193. Clara del Junco, Ph.D. Candidate, Chemistry
  194. Oscar Chavez, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  195. Matthew Vanderpoel, Ph.D. Candidate, History of Christianity
  196. Jaclyn Wong, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology
  197. Jordan Pruett, Ph.D. Student, English
  198. Peter Malonis, Ph.D. student, Committee on Computational Neuroscience
  199. Lauren Sutherland, Ph.D. Student, Anthropology
  200. Jan Brugger, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Art
  201. Caine Jordan, Ph.D. Student, Department of History
  202. Allison Turner, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  203. Andrew Bearnot, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Art
  204. Chichan Kwong, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Art
  205. Frances Lee, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Art
  206. Ben Nicholson, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Art
  207. Sarah McDaniel, Ph.D. Student, English
  208. Anne Rebull, Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  209. Jessica Smith, MA Student, School of Social Service Administration
  210. Mariana Brandman, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  211. Vidura Jang Bahadur, MFA candidate, Department of Visual Art
  212. Janet Connor, Ph.D. Student, Anthropology (and A.B., ’11)
  213. Milena Ang, Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science
  214. Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier, Ph.D. Student, Mathematics
  215. Mili Leitner, Ph.D. Student, Department of Music
  216. Kevin King, Ph.D. Student, Department of English
  217. Erik Mueller, MA Candidate, Division of the Social Science
  218. Nathan Dorgan, MA Candidate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  219. Mariel Colbert, MA Candidate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  220. Ingrid Becker, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Language and Literature
  221. Darrel Chia, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  222. Carmen Merport, Ph.D. candidate, Department of English
  223. Nissy Abraham Ph.D. student, Divinity School
  224. Beatrice Bradley, Ph.D. Student, English
  225. Nathan Roter, AM Candidate, School of Social Service Administration
  226. Sophia Uddin, MD/Ph.D. candidate, Computational Neuroscience/Pritzker School of Medicine
  227. Alan Hassler, JD Candidate, Law School (and A.B., ’15)
  228. Akshara Ravishankar, Ph.D. student, South Asian Languages and Civilizations
  229. Talia Gordon, Ph.D. Student, Comparative Human Development
  230. Sophia Sherry, Ph.D. Student, English Department
  231. Bill Hutchinson, Ph.D. Student, English Department
  232. Kai Parker, Ph.D. Candidate, History
  233. Brian White, Ph.D. student, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  234. Lisa Scott, Ph.D. Candidate in History
  235. Francisco Najera, Ph.D. Student, History
  236. Danielle Adams, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Service Administration
  237. Elizabeth Lee, Ph.D. Student, Neurobiology (and BS 2011)
  238. Frances Mendes Levitin, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Art
  239. Rikki Baker Keusch, MA Student, Center for Middle Eastern Studies (and A.B., ’17)
  240. Sophia Young Rhee, MA Candidate, Social Sciences
  241. Claudio Gonzáles, Ph.D. Student, Mathematics
  242. David Meza, MA Candidate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  243. Serena Covkin, Ph.D. Student, Department of History
  244. Jack Dragu, Ph.D. Student, English Language and Literature
  245. Adrienne Elyse Meyers, MFA Candidate, Department of Visual Arts
  246. Geronimo Sarmiento Cruz, Ph.D. Student, English
  247. James C. Duesterberg, Lecturer and Ph.D. Recipient, English
  248. Lauren Schachter, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  249. Rachel Kyne, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  250. Jose Luis Moctezuma, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  251. Andrew Inchiosa, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  252. Harini Kumar, Ph.D. Student, Department of Anthropology
  253. David Krolikoski, Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  254. H. Sum Cheuk Shing, Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  255. Susan Su, Ph.D. Student, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  256. Michal Zechariah, Ph.D. Student, English Language and Literature
  257. Dana Walters, Ph.D. Student, English Language and Literature
  258. Jo Nixon, Ph.D. Student, English Language and Literature
  259. Jake Fraser, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Germanic Studies
  260. Minyong Lee, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  261. Daniel K. Phillips, Ph.D. Candidate, Art History
  262. Scott Jung, MA Candidate, Social Sciences (and A.B., ’17)
  263. Andrew Katzenstein, MA Student, Divinity
  264. Mendel Kranz, Ph.D. Student, Divinity
  265. Peter Fugiel, Ph.D. Student, Sociology
  266. Matt Hubbell, Ph.D. Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies
  267. Caroline Sequin, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  268. Brian Tuohy, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology
  269. Peter McDonald, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  270. Sophie Fajardo, Ph.D. Student, Sociology
  271. Colin Rydell, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  272. Roy Kimmey, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  273. Rebecca Flore, Ph.D. Student, Department of Music
  274. Joshua Klopfenstein, Ph.D. Student, Department of Music
  275. Nadia Khan, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Divinity
  276. Nell Pach, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  277. Michael Peddycoart, Ph.D. Student, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  278. Jake Fournier, Ph.D. Student, English
  279. Michael Hansen, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  280. Aleksandr Prigozhin, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  281. Carrie Taylor, Ph.D. Student, English
  282. Evelyn Atkinson, Ph.D. Candidate, History
  283. Cayce Hughes, Ph.D. Student, Sociology
  284. Jessica Mutter, Ph.D. Candidate, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  285. Yonatan Shemesh, Ph.D. Candidate, Divinity
  286. Joel A. Mercado-Diaz, Ph.D. Student, Committee on Evolutionary Biology
  287. Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed, Ph.D. Candidate, Islamic Studies
  288. Francesca Chubb-Confer, Ph.D. Student, Divinity School
  289. Chelsie May, Ph.D. Student, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  290. Devon J. Borowski, Ph.D. Student, Department of Music
  291. Zoya Sameen, Ph.D. Student, Department of History
  292. Clay Mettens, Ph.D. Student, Department of Music
  293. Sameena Azhar, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Social Service Administration
  294. Kristin Gee Hickman, Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology
  295. Patrick Morrissey, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  296. Megan Boatright, Ph.D. Student, Comparative Literature
  297. Sunggeun (Ethan) Park, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Service Administration
  298. Anthony J. Lauricella, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  299. Peter D. Smits, Ph.D. Candidate, Committee on Evolutionary Biology
  300. Stephanie Baumgart, Ph.D. Student, Department Organismal Biology and Anatomy
  301. Madeleine Elfenbein, Ph.D. Candidate, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  302. Mohsen Mirtaher, Ph.D. Student, Department of Economics
  303. Zeeshan Haq, MD Candidate, Pritzker School of Medicine
  304. Jennifer Yida Pan, Ph.D. Student, Department of English
  305. Shirl Yang, Ph.D. Student, Department of English
  306. Tristan Bates, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Comparative Literature
  307. Katharine Henderson, Ph.D. Candidate, Integrative Biology
  308. Hanne Graversen, Ph.D. Student, Art History
  309. Meghan Jarpe, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Social Service Administration
  310. Max Winston, Ph.D. Candidate, Committee on Evolutionary Biology
  311. Nathanael Okpych, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Social Service Administration
  312. Alexandra Erichson, MA Candidate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  313. Peyman Eshaghi, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Divinity
  314. Andrew Malilay White, Ph.D. Student, Music
  315. Timothy Gutmann, Ph.D. Candidate, Islamic Studies
  316. Anthony Stott, Ph.D. Student, Comparative Literature
  317. Dylan Bellisle, Ph.D. Student School of Social Service Administration
  318. Allison Kanner, Ph.D. Candidate, Divinity School  
  319. Bikki Tran Smith, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Service Administration
  320. Alexandra Hoffman, Ph.D. Student, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  321. Claire Roosien, Ph.D. Candidate, History and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  322. Matthew Barber, Ph.D. Student, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  323. Emily Smith, Ph.D. Student, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  324. Alejandra Azuero, Ph.D. Student, Department of Anthropology
  325. Kevin Kimura, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English
  326. Joshua R. Vera, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  327. Samuel Lasman, Ph.D. Student, Comparative Literature
  328. Katerina Korola, Ph.D. Student, Departments of Cinema and Media Studies  and Art History
  329. Lucas Guimarães Pinheiro, Ph.D. Student, Department of Political Science
  330. Amy Skjerseth, Ph.D. Student, Cinema and Media Studies
  331. Artemis Willis, Ph.D. Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies
  332. Zain Jamshaid, Ph.D. Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies
  333. Katya Motyl, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History
  334. Evan Pensis, Ph.D. Student, Department of Music
  335. Solveig Nelson, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Art History
  336. Samantha Pellegrino, MA, Divinity School – Islamic Studies
  337. Jessica Lockard, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Art History
  338. Hannah Norwood, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Service Administration
  339. Hannah Brooks-Motl, Ph.D. Candidate, English
  340. Zachary Loeffler, Ph.D. Candidate, Music
  341. Angelica Velazquillo Franco, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Service Administration
  342. Emily Dreyfus, Ph.D. candidate, Germanic Studies
  343. Matthew Johnson, Ph.D. Candidate, Germanic Studies
  344. Daysi Diaz-Strong, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Social Service Administration
  345. Sophia P. Sarantakos, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Service Administration
  346. Hilary Barker, Ph.D. Student, Art History
  347. Parysa Mostajir, Ph.D. student, Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
  348. Elizabeth Sander, Ph.D. Candidate, Ecology and Evolution
  349. Julia Goldsmith-Pinkham (A.B., ’14)
  350. Peter Klecha (Ph.D., ’14)
  351. Paige Helmer (S.B., ’14)
  352. Roberto Pedroso (A.B., ’14)
  353. Katelyn Stangl (A.B., ’14)
  354. Francois Tissot (Ph.D, ’15)
  355. Nora Sorena Casey (A.B., ’11)
  356. Bryan Hahn (A.B., ’11)
  357. Jeanne Chauffour (A.B., ’15)
  358. Bradley Trotter (A.B., ’10)
  359. Yadav Gowda (A.B., ’14)
  360. Autumn Elizabeth Clark (MFA, ’15)
  361. Alexandra Greatsinger (A.B., ’14)
  362. Leah Chapman (A.B., ’15)
  363. Jonathan Pesetsky (A.B., ’15)
  364. Anne Krok (A.B., ’15)
  365. Timur Akman-Duffy (A.B., ’11)
  366. Ethel Yang (LAB, ’09; A.B., ’13)
  367. Irene Hsiao (Ph.D., 2008)
  368. Marguerite Claire Wilson (A.B., ’14)
  369. Alexandra Clark (A.B., ’12)
  370. Blaire Byg (A.B., ’14)
  371. Madeline Klinger (A.B., ’16)
  372. Jeremy F. Kane (A.B., ’11)
  373. Celia Eckert (A.B., ’16)
  374. Ben Wolfson (A.B. ’04)
  375. William Fernandez (A.B., ’15)
  376. Benjamin Trnka (A.B., ’15)
  377. Lyda Harris (A.B., ’14)
  378. Nick Raffel (MFA, ’14)
  379. Nick Bastis (MFA, ’13)
  380. Sophia Scott (S.B., ’11)
  381. Maggie Crowley (MFA, ’13)
  382. Kaila Quesada (A.B., ’12)
  383. Randy Swan (A.B., ’14)
  384. Alyssa Pappas (A.B., ’13)
  385. Rachel Ellison (MFA, ’12)
  386. Marco G. Ferrari (MFA, ’13)
  387. Nicole Cherry (A.B., ’14)
  388. Stephen Ruiz (MFA, ’13)
  389. Nabiha Khan-Giordano (MFA, ’12)
  390. David Khan-Giordano (MFA, ’12)
  391. Kaitlyn Bregman (A.B., ’15)
  392. Alex Calhoun (MFA, ’15)
  393. Sara Nasser (A.B., ’12)
  394. Anisha Ganguly (BS, BA 2015)
  395. Alexander P. Stephan (A.B., ’14)
  396. Cameron Okeke (A.B., ’15)
  397. Carris Adams (MFA 2015)
  398. Charis Crofton (A.B., ’15)
  399. Morgan Brock-Smith (A.B., ’15)
  400. Jennifer Smoose (MFA, ’13)
  401. Colette Salemi (MA, 2015, AM 2016)
  402. Madhuri Nishtala (A.B., ’12)
  403. Sidney J. Colton (A.B., ’73, A.B., ’89; retired staff)
  404. David Bapst (Ph.D., 2013)
  405. Brennan O'Rear, (MA, 2016)
  406. Ella Christoph (BA 2011)
  407. David Kaner (BA, MA 2014)
  408. Nicholas Foretek (A.B., ’11)
  409. Emma LaBounty (A.B., ’15)
  410. Helen Ellsworth, (A.B., ’15)
  411. Benjamin Dewan (BS, 2012)
  412. Huiting Xu (A.B., ’13)
  413. Robin Ye (A.B., ’16)
  414. Cecilia Jiang (A.B., ’15)
  415. Isaac Hand (MA, 2013)
  416. James Iveniuk (Ph.D., 2015)
  417. Ryan Brizendine (MA, 2013)
  418. Palmira Brummett (Ph.D., 1987)
  419. Jon Kurinsky (A.B., ’09)
  420. Tyler Kissinger (A.B., ’16)
  421. Hadji Bakara (Ph.D., 2016)
  422. Jim Plank (A.B., ’09)
  423. Caitlin Sheehan (A.B., ’09)
  424. Patrick D. Gaffney (Ph.D., 1982), Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Notre Dame
  425. Aaron Greenberg (A.B., ’09; AM 2011)
  426. Ilker Evrim Binbas (Ph.D., NELC, 2009), Faculty at University of Bonn, Germany
  427. Marya T. Green-Mercado (Ph.D., NELC, 2012) Assistant Professor of Mediterranean History in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor
  428. Elena D. Corbett (Ph.D. NELC, 2009), Center Director, CIEE Amman
  429. James M. Gustafson (Ph.D., CMES, 2005), Assistant Professor, Department of History, Indiana State University
  430. Timothy Friese (A.B., ’08)
  431. Erin Debenport (Ph.D., Linguistics, 2009) Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UCLA
  432. Elizabeth Urban (Ph.D., NELC, 2012), Assistant Professor, West Chester University
  433. Betul BaÈ™aran (Ph.D., NELC, 2006), Associate Professor, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
  434. G. Antonio Sosa-Pascual (BA)
  435. Michaeljit Sandhu (A.B., ’13)
  436. Daniel Luban (Ph.D., Political Science, 2016), Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University
  437. Matthew Kellner (A.B., ’15)
  438. Ferenc Péter Csirkés (Ph.D., 2016, NELC), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University
  439. A. Asa Eger (Ph.D., 2008), Associate Professor of History, UNC-Greensboro
  440. Alidost Numan (MA, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 2003)
  441. Claire Hipschman (AM, SSA, 2014)
  442. Anh-Thu Huynh (BA, Sociology, 2008)
  443. Seth Mayer (A.B., ’08), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Manchester University, Indiana
  444. Matthew Malinowski (A.B., ’09)
  445. Jeffrey Niedermaier (A.B., ’14), Doctoral student at Yale University
  446. Elizabeth Diaz, (AM, 2014, School of Social Service Administration)
  447. Chrissie DyBuncio (A.B., ’09)
  448. Heather Gold, M.D. (A.B., ’09), Resident OB/GYN Physician
  449. Conor Smith Gaffney (A.B., ’08)
  450. Margaret Hunter (A.B., ’08)
  451. Caitlin Rubin, (A.B., ’09)
  452. Elizabeth Bullock (MA, 2012)
  453. Hannah Frank (Ph.D., 2016)
  454. Christopher Markiewicz (AB 2004, AM 2008, Ph.D. 2015)
  455. FNU Swati (MS, 2014)
  456. Maheen Aziza Khatoon (MA, 2005)
  457. Shanya Silverstein (Ph.D., Music, 2012)
  458. Anisa Noor (MA, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 2007)
  459. Swagato Chakravorty (MA, 2011)
  460. Ofurhe Igbinedion (A.B., ’09)
  461. Kate Mooney (A.B., ’17)
  462. Aliya Moreira (A.B., ’17)
  463. Aminah Sallam (BS, 2017)
  464. Soulet Ali (A.B., ’20)
  465. Peter Tang (A.B., ’20)
  466. Kyle Bardman (A.B., ’17)
  467. Kelsey Yang (A.B., ’20)
  468. William Thomas (BS, 2017)
  469. Samuela Mouzaoir (A.B., ’20)
  470. Antonia Glaser (A.B., ’19)
  471. Alfredo Fee (A.B., ’18)
  472. Feng Ye (A.B., ’19)
  473. Alexis Wolf (A.B., ’20)
  474. Megan Fang (A.B., ’20)
  475. Lauren Dunmore (A.B., ’15)
  476. Nicholas Hadjimichael (A.B., ’18)
  477. Andrés Brant Haza (A.B., ’18)
  478. Sedef Ishaque (A.B., 2020)
  479. Yooyeon Shim (A.B., ’19)
  480. Natasha Chandler (A.B., ’17)
  481. Keirsha Thompson (A.B., ’17)
  482. Kaiyan Chan (A.B., ’20)
  483. Gigi Ortiz (A.B., ’18)
  484. Laurel Meng (A.B., ’18)
  485. Lena Chen (A.B., ’17)
  486. Danielle Plung (A.B., ’17)
  487. Julia Aizuss (A.B., ’18)
  488. Rajiv Hurhangee (A.B., ’18)
  489. Elisabeth Huh (A.B., ’17)
  490. Isabella Levy (A.B., ’18)
  491. Deneb Zavala (A.B., ’18)
  492. Everett Pelzman (A.B., ’19)
  493. Can Ugur (A.B., ’17)
  494. Stephanie Ban (A.B., ’18)
  495. Eliza Passell (A.B., ’18)
  496. Megan Malone (A.B., ’19)
  497. Daniel Heins (A.B., '18)
  498. Cori Tingstad (A.B., '18)
  499. Isaiah Newman (A.B., '18)
  500. Maya Jain (A.B., '19)
  501. Eli Winter (A.B., ’20)
  502. Laura A. Rossi (A.B., ’18)
  503. Peggy Xu (A.B., ’17)
  504. Sophia Sheng (A.B., ’18)
  505. Kelsie Harriman (A.B., ’18)
  506. Samuel Mellins (A.B., ’20)
  507. Zachary Yost (A.B., ’18)
  508. Jake Kleinbaum (A.B., ’18)
  509. Josh Arnon (A.B., ’18)
  510. Aviva Rothman, Collegiate Assistant Professor, Social Sciences and Harper-Schmidt Fellow
  511.  Ethan Blass, PhD Student in Germanic Studies
  512. Amanda Jones, PhD Student, School of Social Service Administration
  513.  Zachary Sheldon, PhD Student, Anthropology
  514.  Judith T. Zeitlin, William R. Kennan, Jr. Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilization
  515. Jacob Eyferth, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  516. Alican Camci, Phd Student, Music
  517. Jessica Haley, Program Coordinator, Creative Writing & Poetics
  518. Alex Murphy, PhD Student, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  519. Berthold Hoeckner, Associate Professor, Music
  520. Kierra Foley (MA, 2016, NELC)
  521. Michaela Appeltova, PhD Candidate, History
  522. Thomas Kelly PhD EALC
  523. Sholeh A. Quinn (PhD, NELC, 1993), Associate Professor, History, University of California, Merced
  524. Scott W. Aalgaard, PhD Candidate, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
  525. Pao-chen Tang, PhD student, Cinema and Media Studies and East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  526. Yaniv Ron-El, PhD Student, Sociology
  527. Shaahin Pishbin/PhD Student/Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  528. Menna M. Khalil, PhD Student, Anthropology
  529. Valerie Levan, (PhD 2010), Lecturer, Humanities
  530. James Chandler, Barbara E. and Richard J. Franke Distinguished Service Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
  531. Miriam Bilsker, PhD student, Divinity
  532. Eric Holmberg (A.B.,'18)
  533. Miriam Tripaldi, PhD Candidate, Music
  534. Basil Salem (PhD, History 2016)
  535. Deirdre Lyons, PhD Student, History
  536. Julie Xu (A.B., '18)
  537. Owen Hubbard, PhD Student, Department of Music
  538. Hanna Pickwell, PhD Student, Anthropology
  539. William Carroll, PhD Student in Cinema & Media Studies/East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  540. Brenna Rice, PhD student, Romance Languages and Literatures
  541. Nick Quintana (A.B., '17)
  542. Tommaso Sabbatini, PhD Candidate, Music
  543. Ahona Panda, PhD Candidate, Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations
  544. Oliver Cussen, PdD Candidate, History
  545. Pelle Valentin Olsen/PhD candidate, NELC
  546. Erin Matson (A.B., '10)
  547. Tista Bagchi (PhD, Linguistics, 1993), Professor, Centre for Advanced Studies in Linguistics, University of Delhi
  548. Chun Chun Ting, (PhD, 2015), EALC
  549. Michael LaCroix (PhD, Music 2015)
  550. Bruce Mannheim (PhD, 1983) Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan
  551. Amanda Hamilton PhD, SALC 2011
  552. Sean Batton, PhD Student, Cinema and Media Studies
  553. Ananya Chakravarti (PhD 2012)
  554. Christopher Dunlap, Ph.D. Candidate, History
  555. Gautham Reddy, PhD Candidate, SALC
  556. Sneha annavarapu, PhD student, Sociology
  557. Jesús A Palafox Valdovinos, AM Candidate, School of Social Service Administration
  558. Jamal Jones (A.B. '08), PhD Candidate, SALC
  559. Richard H. Beal, Oriental Institute, PhD
  560. Tamara Kamatovic, PhD Student, Germanic
  561. Vinh Cam, PhD Student, English
  562. Amy Stebbins, PhD Candidate, Germanic Studies and Cinema and Media Studies
  563. Joshua Yumibe (PhD, 2007)
  564. A. Richard Heffron III, PhD Candidate, NELC
  565. Miriam Shestack, (A.B., '15)
  566. Pelle Valentin Olsen, PhD Candidate, NELC
  567. Elizabeth Sartell, PhD Student, Divinity
  568. Mirjam Berg, PhD Student, Germanic Studies
  569. Jessica Resvick, PhD Candidate, Germanic Studies
  570. Zebaa Kalimullah (A.B., '97)
  571. Saeid Barati, PhD Student, Computer Science
  572. Fatma Sinem Eryilmaz (PhD, NELC, 2010)
  573. Kathleen Norland List, alumna, 2007
  574. Esra Tasdelen (MA, CMES '05, PhD, NELC '14), Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle Eastern and North African Studies, North Central College
  575. Austin O'Malley/PhD/2017
  576. Anisa Rahim (A.B, '00)
  577. John H. Muse, Assistant Professor of English, Committee on Theater and Performance Studies
  578. Joseph Jay Sosa (PhD, Anthropology, 2016)
  579. Julia Epplin-Zapf (A.B., '16)
  580. Olivia Ortiz (A.B. '16)
  581. Heather Keenleyside, Assistant Professor, English
  582. Emily Minehart (A.B.. '13)
  583. Ali Feser, PhD Candidate, Anthropology
  584. Kris Rosentel, (A.B.'16/A.M.'17)
  585. Starsha Gill, Events Programming Assistant, Creative Writing & Poetics
  586. Alexis Kellner Becker (A.B. '08), Harper-Schmidt Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor of the Humanities
  587. Esmael Jafari Haddadian, Ph.D. Lecturer, Biological Sciences Collegiate Division
  588. Hilary Leathem, PhD student, Department of Anthropology
  589. Hasan Siddiqui, PhD Candidate, History
  590. Caroline Anglim, PhD Student, Religious Ethics
  591. Julian Thompson, PhD Candidate, 2012
  592. Esmael Jafari Haddadian, Lecturer, Biological Sciences Division
  593. Emma Gilheany, PhD Student, Anthropology
  594. K. Rizwan Kadir, MBA '97. President, The Pakistan Club @ the University of Chicago
  595. Sarah Zimmerman, (A.B., '17)
  596. Feroze Shah, (A.B., '13)
  597. Rebecca Crisafulli, Ph.D. Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures
  598.  Ann Heffernan, PhD Student, Political Science
  599. Zebaa Kalimullah (A.B., '97)
  600. Ream Qato (M.B.A., '15 B.S., '07)
  601. Monica Mori, (A.B., '56)
  602.  Molly Greene, (MAPH, '17)
  603. Mina Lee, PhD student, SSA
  604. Marion Malcome, LCSW, PhD Student 2016
  605. Faith Hillis, Assistant Professor of History
  606. Zebaa Kalimullah (AB 1997)
  607. Joshua Solomon, PhD Candidate
  608. Mary Bunn, Phd Student, Lecturer, School of Social Service Administration
  609. Jesse Self, PhD Student, SSA
  610. India Weston (A.B., '19)
  611. Ashley Sample PhD Candidate, Committee on Cancer Biology
  612. Sneha annavarapu, PhD student, Sociology
  613. James Murphy, PhD Student Sociology
  614. Elena D. Corbett, PhD 2009, NELC
  615. Cliff Bersamira, PhD Candidate, School of Social Service Admonistration
  616. Jesus Reyes, A.M. SSA, 1985
  617. Annie Greene, PhD Candidate, NELC
  618. Navid Saberi-Najafi, PhD Candidate, Classics, University of California Davis
  619. Gertrud Farber, Research Associate Sumerology, The Oriental Institute
  620. Walter Farber, professor emeritus of Assyriology, The Oriental Institute, and Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  621. William Elison (PhD, Divinity), Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
  622. Raina Weinstein (A.B., '20)
  623. Haeyoung Kim, PhD Candidate, History
  624. Addie Barron (A.B. '17)
  625. Dan Houle (B.S., '11)
  626. Adrienne Alton-Gust, PhD Candidate, Music
  627. Valeria Stutz, (A.B., '18)
  628. Kyle Gardner, PhD Candidate, History
  629. Daniel Gill, PhD Student, Neurobiology
  630. Dana Simmons, PhD Candidate, Neurobiology
  631. Cole Martin, (A.B., '19) 
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